
When you hire the Crane & Pelican to cater your event we take care of every detail with quality & service. We include delivery, plates, napkins, chafing dishes, tongs, & service ware at no additional cost, because we want you to hire us again & again. We are family owned & operated, we have decades of experience, & a second to none staff of Quad City restaurant greats.


The Crane & Pelican is a preferred caterer at the Mississippi River Distilling Celebration Center

Call Mandy Harvey today to book your catering today. 


Check out LeClaire Iowa

Our favorite local businesses

Mississippi River Distilling Company

Wide River Winery

Riverboat Twilight

Buffalo Bill Museum

Green Tree Brewery

Book a Tasting for $10/person
When you hire us for your event the cost of your tasting will be deducted from your bill

Call Mandy to arrange 563-289-8774 – 48 hour notice required

Find more information about our special events here.*